- Cooking
- Gardening
- Learn to can
- Home maintenance/repair
- Woodworking
- Sewing
To me it is important to teach my kids these skills and start as early as possible. By the age of 2, Carly could crack an egg into a bowl (without getting any shells into it) and mix it up ready to be cooked for scrambled eggs. By age 5, Drew could cook the scrambled eggs with some supervision of course. They learned at an early age how to sort their clothes, put them in the washing machine, add soap and start it. They also help me every summer in the garden planting, weeding, and picking. They each have their chores to do when it comes to the animals, and Steve has already started teaching Drew how to build small items.
My mother-in-law and I have been working on reupholstering a footstool. This is something that I have wanted to learn how to do, and there really is more involved than I thought there would be. Don't worry there will be a series of posts in the near future so you can see the steps involved and the finished project. :-)
While we were working on this, Carly wanted desperately to learn to sew with the sewing machine. She has already had lessons in using a needle and thread, learning the blanket stitch and the running stitch, but the sewing machine was calling to her. (She takes after her mama.)
So we took time out to let her sew a little pillowcase. I videotaped it and it is on our YouTube channel. Be sure and watch to the end and see what happens.
If you haven't watched any of our videos, now is the time to start. You can see some tutorials as well as some fun stuff, our adventures that we have on the farm.
Don't want to miss any of our videos? I don't blame you! Be sure and subscribe and you can catch them all!
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